Badminton World Federation voting on scoring change
The proposal for a new scoring system was first articulated by the BWF Council in March 2014 as it was felt that matches were getting longer, while the shuttle was in play for much shorter periods than earlier.
▸ Based on 5 games to 11.
▸ Related changes regarding Change of Ends and Continuous Play also motioned.
▸ Not to be introduced until after the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
At the Council Session in Montego Bay, Jamaica, in November 2017, the proposal to implement the 5×11 system was discussed, presenting feedback from broadcasters.
The proposal was put to vote at the BWF AGM in May 2018 in Bangkok, and while it received 129 votes in favour and 123 votes against, it was not passed as it required a two-thirds majority of 168.
The BWF AGM takes place on Saturday 22 May 2021 where there will be another vote.